Get referrals for Psych Services & add Functional Assessments using iCM

iCareManager June 8, 2020
Psych Services Modules Software for Disabilities | iCareManger

One of the recent modules we’ve added is for getting referrals for Psych Services. Here are some of the different aspects of it:

Referral for Psych Services:

With this enhancement, your DSPs can make referrals to your clinical staff to request assistance with psych or behavioral concerns. They can make a referral by filling out a few simple fields about the reason for the referral, availability, and contact information. As soon as a referral form is submitted, your clinical staff will get an alert for reviewing the form and providing their input on intervention, follow-up recommendations for support, and outcome/disposition.

From iCM’s home Dashboard, clinical staff and supervisors can see and manage a list of all  . Each referral can be assigned to a specific staff member.

That staff member will complete the details section and any follow-up tasks. An example of a follow-up task is “Behavior Support Plan is due in one week, request funding for a BSP development, or functional assessment.”

Clinical Contact Notes:

This note feature in iCM is a way for psychology and clinical staff to document contact they have with people who are in need of behavior support services. The staff can enter a narrative about the specific activity performed, intervention and any additional notes. In the case where the Clinical Contact is billable, the service information will show in ‘attendance’ to be billed (and will be linked with the funding stream of your choice.) The printed Clinical Contact Note is the supporting documentation for this billing.

You can also set up Clinical Contact Note templates in the system. This is useful if you have different types of Clinical Contact Notes that your staff complete, such as consultation, brief implementation support services, and developing a BSP or Functional Assessment. Along with these services, there may be standard items you would like to appear as checkboxes for the clinician to indicate that they completed, specifically as it relates to billable activities for these services. With iCM’s Managed Long Term Supports And Services Clinical Contact Note template, you can set up different templates for clinicians to use, based on what service they are documenting.

Functional Assessments:

Functional Assessments are completed by the clinical staff. It includes a summary of referral information, assessment procedures and results, background information, goals, and clinical recommendations. It provides a statement of the next steps as a result of the assessment, including recommendations for a BSP if needed. The assessment is signed electronically.

You can also use a Psych Functional Template that will allow you to set custom checkboxes for the following sections of the Functional Assessment: Procedures, Assessments to Include, Background Information, Recommendations for Tier Assignments, and Additional Recommendations.
