Stay in Compliance

With sophisticated monitoring tools, iCareManager helps you
stay in compliance and mitigate your risks

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Stay on top of things with Alert Notifications

Now you can monitor dozens of parameters and receive notifications when something is not right


Rules and Triggers

You can setup rules that constantly monitor dozens of parameters around the system and can trigger alerts you when something goes wrong.



Get alert notifications inside the system as well as via email, text messages, and mobile push notifications.


Pro-active Alerts

You can receive alerts not just for events that have happened but that are about to happen in the system.


Highly Configurable

You can pick who will receive alerts, how, and for which location or individual.



Make announcements to your staff as if you have a
megaphone in your hand

Announcements help to keep your staff on the same page and communicate urgent matters clearly and easily. You can easily disseminate compliance related matters through this feature. Announcements show up as a yellow bar across the screen on the login page or once your staff has logged in.

Display announcements on home and login screens
Display announcements to a select group of staff
Let your staff view past announcements
Display announcements for a certain period of time
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HIPAA Compliance

iCareManager is a HIPAA Compliant system that enforces best practices to protect ePHI.

Strict Roles & Permissions

Every staff is assigned a role and has access to information they need to know.

Restrict access to PHI

Assign your staff to selected individuals or residents even if this program has more people in it.

Complex Passwords

You can enfore your staff to set complex passwords that are not easy to guess.

Password Expirations

You can set a policy that will automatically expire passwords of your staff.

Data Encryption

iCareManager encrypts data while it is in transit, at rest, or in permanent storage.

User Activity Logs Coming soon

System can track most user activity. Large data downloads and printing on paper logs are coming soon.

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