How eMAR Helps Reduce Medication Errors

Administering medications without a proper electronic system is usually one of the most stressful tasks for direct support professionals, especially when they have to pass a large number of meds within desired time-frames. This is where eMARs help to make the process smooth, efficient and error-free.
eMARs help to reduce errors by clearly showing which medication is to be administered when, the type of medication (controlled vs regular), remaining inventories for controlled medications, and more. It tracks the names and timestamps of when a specific medication has been administered and allows you to automatically generate reports. So, essentially, it ensures that the correct medication is administered in the correct dose at the correct time to the correct person. Going over MARs digitally, as opposed to paper, saves time and ensures compliance. The system also alerts managers or nurses if a person’s medication is overdue to catch and correct errors in real-time. These errors can lead to adverse drug events that any organization would want to avoid.
Here are some of the advantages that you’ll find from switching over to a reliable eMAR for your organization:
Pharmacy Integrations:
This integration with the pharmacy ensures that there is accuracy in the order information that is coming through, as opposed to posting on a paper-based MAR which provides an opportunity for transcription errors (and incorrect information) to be passed through. If the person you’re supporting receives a new medication from the pharmacy, all you have to do is click on verify order and it will automatically get added into the system. With an eMAR, all Controlled Medications get logged and inventory gets managed automatically.
Visibility and monitoring of medication administration:
By using a reliable eMAR, RNs can log in to the system and see what medications are being given and by whom instead of having to go out to the house to get this information. It saves time and provides more visibility and transparency.
Monitor/catch errors in real-time & get alerts when medications are not given:
The system will automatically alert you if there is an error or if the required medications for a specified time or day have not yet been administered.
Save time and ensure compliance:
Because you’re taking away the hassle of paper-based medication administration records, you’ll be saving a lot of time that you can focus elsewhere. Through the eMAR you should also be able to simply print your electronic medication administration records with one click of a button.
Keep complete track of each person’s medications:
With a good eMAR, you should be able to view all of the medications assigned to people you are supporting in an organized manner – e.g. based on types (controlled, regular), dosages (days and time to be administered), PRN, or Treatments.